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Urea Supply
We are an Import / Export Trading House directly representing many genuine and capable Buyers of UREA , HMS 1&2 and IRON ORE. We would very much appreciate if you could please submit your current and valid
Full offer details for Sale, relating to any of these three commodities. We require Full available information relating to the Sale offer , including ;
1. Validity of Offer
2. Max & Min available quantity
3. Current Price
4. Payment Terms
5. Delivery Terms
6. Full Specification details
7. Origin
8. Draft Contract & Photos if possible
This information will enable our Buyers to prepare and submit valid LOI's to receive Sellers' FCO & Contract draft.
Best Regards
Theo Giannikakis
Managing Director
Company Profile:
Company Name: International Trade Solutions
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Theo Giannikakis
Webstie: ********
Phone: ********
Fax: ********
Address: 10 Montana ave Mulgrave, Melbourne, Victoria
Country: Australia
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