Member (Product + Company + Offer to buy + Offer to sell + e-Catalog + e-Video) |
Inquiry Basket works like a shopping cart. Select the items you are interested in and then click the 'Add to Basket' button. You can add up to 30 numbers of trade leads, products, e-catalog, e-video or suppliers to your list and continue searching. Then, you can send all your inquiries at one time.
The items which you did not send out were saved into My-Office. To retrieve the items you just Login again. |
Non-member (Product + Company + Offer to sell + e-Catalog + e-Video) |
You can add up to 20 numbers of trade leads, products, e-catalog, e-video or suppliers to your list and continue searching. |
All items you was selected will be lost when you close all pages. |
Please send your inquiries before you close your browsers. |