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Dear Sir,

We are Surfactant company in South Korea.We are producing about 70% of surfactants for agrochemicals in Korea.
We are looking for the supplier for following items.
Please send us the best quotation ASAP.

1. Tolytriazole : annual quantity (200/MT)

2. Benzoic acid : annual quantity (50/MT)

3. Sodium Benzoic acid : annual quantity (400MT)

4. MoO3 (3 Oxidized Molybdenum) : annual quantity (20MT)

Thank you in advance for your prumpt reply by email or fax.

Best Regards,
Company Profile:
Company Name: COSEAL
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Isan Song
Webstie: ********
Phone: ********
Fax: ********
Address: 4th floor Hanshin Living Tower 1533 Seocho-dong Seocho-gu SEOULSEOULSEOUL
Country: Korea (Rep. of)
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