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Expandable Polystyrene
Wizard International Trading, Inc. Is trading company and we represent buyers from EMEA region.
Currently we have some inquiry for polystyrene for known buyer. They issued request for buying 2000t per year or more.
What we need is exceptionally good quality, customer care and continuity. As I got good references for you company this is the only reason for contacting you.
Our buyer needs:
Expandable Polystyrene 17-30Kg / m3; 1. 2-1. 5mm. Package in plastic bags of 1000Kg.
It is of the most importance to get the samples and after we test it we will come to visit your factory. If everything goes Ok we will close this deal with your company. Also bear in mind that my buyers have production lines in 6 countries and that this deal is only the beginning.
Thank you in advance for your swift and kind reply.

Expire Date : 2008-07-03

Company Profile:
Company Name: Wizard International Trading, Inc.
Company Type: Importer
Contact Person: Vladimir Bojic
Webstie: ********
Phone: ********
Fax: ********
Address: Stanka Paunovica 70, Belgrade, Srbija, Yugoslavia
Country: Yugoslavia
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