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Need Paraformaldehyde- Urgent
Dear Sir/Madam:
International Tender invited for purchase of \"Paraformaldehyde\" for fertilizer manufacturing plant C & F Chittagong on emergency basis.
Form : Solid
a) Formaldehyde content : 90% - 93% by wt. b) Acidity as Formic Acid : 0.03% by wt (Max.)
c) Chlorine : 0.002% by wt. (Max.)
d) Lead : 0.002% by wt. (Max.)
e) Iron : 0.001% by wt. (Max.)
f) Solubility in water : The Paraformaldehyde solid must be readily soluble in water to make a 37% solution in bulk quantity.
For more detail information, please contact us immediately.
Please confirm urgent in order to finalize the deal favoring yourself and do not hesitate to contact us for further inquiries.
Thanking You.
Best Regards.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Galaxy Trade International
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Islam Pervez
Webstie: ********
Phone: ********
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Address: Road # 22, House # 331 (1st floor), New DOHS, MohakhaliDhakaDhaka
Country: Bangladesh
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