Dear Sir, Looking to purchase 100% guaranteed authentic Prada, Dior, Coach, Burberry, Gucci, YSL, Marc Jacobs. Import from Italy only! no China! no replicas. Small minimum purchase to begin. Would also be interested in having someone design private label, leather ladies handbags, similar to Coach or Prada.
Dea Sir, Our company in interested in all type of used textile machinery specially in sulzer type weaving looms and we are importing from last 20 years.
We are importer of Mercedes Benz spare parts for small cars only engine-electric-body parts. Original and aftermarket brands. If you interested send to us.
Dear Sir, We are a company importer of building materials and our speciality are the ceramic, porcelain, slates, granite and stone tiles, also we import laminated flooring and pvc products, please if you have these products contact with me, we are very interested in work with Indian products.