Dear Sir, I am looking for leather handbags that are not name brands and I need to be able to order in small quantities because I am a new, and small store. I need prices and shipping costs along with the product or cannot make a decision without them.
I am an importer based in the UK who is currently sourcing handbags, purses and wallets for sale in the UK. I am looking for designer quality but without any branding. I am contacting prospective suppliers with a view to setting up a framework contract against which I can call off orders against. If you are interested in this business opportunity I would be very grateful if you could register your interest by providing me with details of the following: - Last 3 years financial information about your company; turnover, gross profit, net profit. Background information on your companies
[U.K. (United Kingdom)]
If anyone is wholeselling authentic handbags, please contact me via email. I have a store location in chicagoland and I needed a new supplier with better pricing.