Dear Sir, I am running an internet business specializing in women fashion replica hand bags, I am looking for a supplier with a very good quality products, and a competitive prices for dropshipping, please send your product catalogue, prices, we prefer to make all the payments via paypal for security. Please if interested don't hesitate to get in touch to take this business opportunity a stage further thanks.
[U.K. (United Kingdom)]
Dear sir, I am looking for a particular handbag, I have the picture of what i want, and I know its made in Indonesia, please send me the emails so I can send the picture to see if possible to manufcature. Also I need a type of sandal, that also I have the sample here.
Dear Sir, We don't want to deal with anyone unless they can offer the following. No mrq, web site order direct, and prices. We don't have time to select and then get prices so attach your price kist with your attachments.
Dear Sir, Mediterranean American trade LLC is looking to buy authentic designer handbags. Also interested on good quality leather bag and matching shoes. Please provide your stock offer, along with pricing and packaging.