Our company is a distributor of office supplies and stationery items and believe there is a promising market in our area of your products. Please let us have details of products you supply together with prices, order quantities, payment and delivery terms. Your prompt reply would be appreciated.
Dear Sir, Have seen your post in the internet. We are a new company here in the Philippines. Presently we distribute assorted office and school supplies. We are interested to know more about your offer for a distributor.
Product Features/Functions : 1.80 Sheets; Paper Wt. of 70gm. Color : Beige, Sepia Tint, and Woven Spines. Black, Red, or Natural Colored Imitation Leather Outside with Thick Texture. Size : 21cm x 15cm 2. 160 pages, 80 Sheets: Paper Wt. of 70gm. Color : Beige, Sepia Tint, and Woven Spines. Black, Red, or Natural colored Imitation Leather Outside with Thick Texture. Size: 21cm x 15cm. 3. 160 Pages, 80 Sheets: Paper Wt. of 70 gm. Color : Beige, Sepia Tint, and Woven Spines. Black, Red