We would like to import modern home wooden furniture from worldwide supplier. The products which I am interested in must be of premium quality and appropriate price.
Please send me production catalogue and price list.
We have a budget to establish a local furniture store to cater for the middle/top end market and are seeking to form alliances with Lithuanian suppliers before conducting site visits to establish one or two preferred suppliers.
At this juncture can we kindly request details of the product range.
Please send us all the information available about your products, we recently saw some information about your company and interested us enough to warrant our contacting you.
Your products may fill a need that we currently have for our new Lebanese company and if it proves to be reasonably priced, well-made and backed by a reputable company, we will almost be in Turkey by next week and certainly become a customer of yours.
Please send any brochures or other information to the address below as soon as possible.
We want home furniture in bulk on regular basis. Please send