We Apex Mega Centre are into purchasing all kind of bicycle products from the global manufacturing companies and resell to our own customers who are in need of the product.
we are exporter of agro commodities,minerals and other industrial products from India, at present we are having a confirm order for girl's bicycle (size 20" with seat adjustable upto 1 1/2")for Institutional supply,quantity will be around 1000 in begning, it can be increase more also.
Searching for a reliable/trusted supplier for SUPER BIKES from 600cc and bigger. CAN AM three wheeler, Toyota Tundra 5.7.liter V8 pick up(must be right hand drive/steering) Vmax, Busa, Kawa 1200/1400, Honda 1000. Ducati, Aprillia. We are connected to the biggest Shopping Company in SA. over 1200 shops in SA and more shops in Africa. We hope to become a local agent/distributor in South Africa. Payment only with Escrow. This is the only safe way for exporter and the importer, see forward for along time business relation.