Vapor Technologies Ltd. - VTLG |
VTLG is a dedicated distributor of "Electronic Interpolation" technology.
Today Microsystems technology increasingly forms an integral and important part in a broad variety of high tech industrial applications. We make customized development and standard product solutions available to the high technology industry.
Applications of Interpolation Technology
Typical Applications of electronic interpolation are for example incremental encoders for position or angle measurement. The way in which the signals are generated is irrelevant, so that both optical and magnetic encoders can be used.
Aslong as your positioning system offers an output option of analog sineand cosine signals (90 degree phase shift) electronic interpolation canbe applied.
The main characteristics of electronicinterpolation are the interpolation rate (i.e. the number of discreteangular steps of a sine period), the maximum input frequency and thetype of output signals. Apart from this electronic interpolationsystems also differentiate by the way in which amplitude, offset andphase errors of the input signals are treated.
We offer a comprehensive set of interpolation solutions including IC & PCBbased solutions as well as stand alone systems. Contact us and we willfurnish you a complete selection of data sheets and application notes. |