Changzhou Jing Wei Meters Electric Co.,Ltd |
Used to test the temperatures of bulk liquids in storage or transporting container.While conventional testing instruments may be unsuitable due to difficult access,these instruments may be lowered into the material and withdraw a sample to ensure a reliable temperature reading.¡¤solid-stem (JWM-1) ----Glass inserts: solid stem glass thermometer dia 6.5mm ----Nominal range: (-10-110 / -15-45)¡æ/¨H ----Division: 1¡æ/¨H ----Fillings: blue, red organic liquid ----Diameter of the lower cup: 24mm ----Length of the lower cup: 40mm ----Total length: 325mm ----Material: brass ¡¤ enclosed scale (JWM-2) ----Glass inserts: enclosed scale glass thermometer dia 16mm ----Nominal range: (-10-110 / -15-45)¡æ/¨H ----Division: 1¡æ/¨H ----Fillings: blue, red organic liquid ----Diameter of the lower cup: 35mm ----Lngth of the lower cup: 75mm ----Total length: 315mm ----Material: brass