Xiamen Unique Oil Painting Co., Ltd. |
classical oil painting (landscape oil painting & scenery oil painting)
Our (www*unique-oilpainting*com) hand-painted oil paintings have been exported to many countries for about 10 years. We have the following characters.
1. 100% hand-painted on canvas 2. high quality 3. sell in most competitive price (no second hand) 4. quick delivery 5. no minimum quantity limited 6. different sizes and a wide range to be selected, including people and scenery of impression and classical, portrait from photo, still life, abstract, contemporary and modernism, Old master, etc.
For more details of us, please kindly visit our web or contact us by unique-oilpainting at hotmail dot com directly. We sincerely welcome you to join us. Any inquiries from you will get our prompt and serious response.