Xiamen Unique Oil Painting Co., Ltd. |
impression oil painting (canvas oil painting & 100% hand-painted oil painting)
Our hand-painted oil paintings have been exported to many countries for about 10 years. We have the following characters.
1. 100% hand-painted on canvas 2. high quality 3. sell in most competitive price (no second hand) 4. quick delivery 5. no minimum quantity limited 6. different sizes and a wide range to be selected, including 1. 100% hand-painted on canvas 2. high quality 3. sell in most competitive price (no second hand) 4. quick delivery 5. no minimum quantity limited 6. different sizes and a wide range to be selected, including people and scenery of impression and classical, portrait from photo, still life, abstract, contemporary and modernism, Old master, etc.
Customers' 100% satisfaction in quality is guaranteed, because we always take photos by digital camera, when the paintings are finished and send them to you by email for approval. We also offer a 7 days unconditional money back guarantee.