Shenzhen SYK Science And Technology Co,.Lth |
health protection instrument use the western biologic electromagnetic wave technology, and combine Chinese medicine meridian theory, using the character of body’s each part can make out slender bioelectricity, adopt high-tech computer CMOS chip numeral technology control functions. And add the electromagnetic wave impulse stimulate, heating and infrared light etc from exterior; which will impact directly to the reflect zones of sole, hand, human body’s points and locus zones etc, than pass the energy to your all body, activate your body’s each function. So as to reach the efficacies for adjust body’s physiological function, promote metabolism, and improve blood circulation, expedite meridian, and improve immunity. Especially with the slimming belt, will excite the nerve muscle tissue of waist; make your waist more beauty. It especially suit for white-collar office worker with strain & tired, the middle-age & elder, and the sub-health people.