Yu-Nion Machinery Co., LTD. |
Product : |
hot rolling mill, cold roll forming machine, pipe/ tube making machine, slitting machine,spiral steel pipe making machine, cold roll forming machine, bending roll forming machine, UOE steel pipe making machine, hexagon steel tube forming machine ( for structure usage ), handrail forming machine ( for structure usage ), slotted angle steel making machine, corrugated sheet roll forming machine.
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Company Description: |
Yu-Nion, one of the leading machinery trading companies in Asia, founded in 1980. In our more than 20 years history, we are proud of the excellent reputation, we have gained for being professional, competitive and energetic. Over the years, more than one hundred orders have come from all over the world. A lot of our customers are people who were refered to us by other customers who are pleased with our products & service. Our products: hot rolling mill, cold roll forming machine, pipe/ tube making machine, slitting machine,spiral steel pipe making machine, cold roll forming machine, bending roll forming machine, UOE steel pipe making machine, hexagon steel tube forming machine ( for structure usage ), handrail forming machine ( for structure usage ), slotted angle steel making machine, corrugated sheet roll forming machine. |
Company Profile: |
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