Seabird Aviation Jordan LLC |
Company Description: |
Saj was established in 2003 as joint venture between seabird aviation ausrtalia and the king abdullah II design and development bureau(kaddb). The company is active in the design, development, manufacture, supply and support of commercial and military light aircraft worldwide. The launch product is the seeker sb7l-360 which has been developed in Australia. The aircraft was selected by oberon air pty for commercial surveillance, asset tracking and status reporting of power transmission lines, water and oil pipelines, vegetation and animal husbandry. In june 2004, the coalition provisional authority placed an order for two units of the seeker to be supplied to the iraqi air force for infrastructure and security tasks operating in the basrah region. The contract, worth some us$2.3m also includes the supply of training and logistic services. The aircraft are to be delivered by the end of july 2004. Seabird is now competing for the supply of an additional 16 units to the iaf,8 units to the iraqi ministry of interior, as well as aircraft for south Africa, saudi arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and Libya. A further 10 aircraft have been ordered by seabird aviation Australia for the market in the far east. |
Product : |
Aerial Surveillance Platform, reconnaissance& training aircraft, military light aircraft . |
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