This is Thomas Giap from SE TestSystems Co., Ltd. in Taiwan " ".
We produced all kinds of completely functions of "force gauge testing machine" for "tension, compression, torque, liability, and durability" measurements. These automatic precise testers provides detial analyses datas to assist users to perform better design motifications, faster quality inspections, production efficiency, and etc. They were widely used on Notebooks, Mobile Phones, PDAs, Connectors, Semiconductors, Keyboards, and other industries. Our force gaug
test equipment, test instrument, force guage test, force measure machine, tester, and etc.
Company Description:
dailbiotech corporation is a new technology company of bioremediation based on the creative source of technology and also invented the effective microorganism system suitable for the ecosystem cycles. dailbiotech is commercializing the ecological technology and products throughout the world by utilizing its unique application of bacteria which eliminates (detoxification, mitigation) and regenerates the petroleum compounds and recalcitrant toxic substances (containing endocrine disruptors) contaminated into the industrial wastewater, waste matters, seaside, soil, and wood materials. The poll
bioremediation, bioenvironment, environment hormone-biodegradation, dioxin, pcbs, pce, tar acids-petroleum oil, agricultural chemicals, et al. dailbiotech product 1000~1700.